Friday, June 8, 2012

I’m not sure if my cousin Mike, or Mikey to me, was aware of how he touched people’s lives. He was a simple person. He wanted to live life happily and enjoy every moment given throughout. He didn’t care much for materialistic things and money did not drive him. Talking to people, having a great time, spending time with family, and living simple was all he needed in life to be happy. Something I didn’t learn myself until after he passed was how much he enjoyed making a difference in someone’s moment, day, and life.

Mike in the studio
I don’t think he was every happier than when he was working.

Son, Cousin, Nephew, Grandson, Father & Friend

On June 8, 1976 Mikey was born. I was 5. My Aunt Chris is my Dad’s sister. Her, my Dad, and their other sister grew up in the same area as my Mom’s family. It was a small area so most everyone knew each other. The term “It’s a small world” applies quite a bit with our family; but that’s a story for another time.  My Aunt once told me that as soon as Mike was born there was a connection with us. I do remember being quite protective of my Mikey. Now don’t get me wrong. My other cousin C and I, we were the two older “girls” and we put poor Mikey through some stuff growing up. He was the only boy in a family full of girls. He got picked on quite a bit. Wonder if that had anything to do with him being such a ladies man later in life. J

Mike always loved music. We grew up in a family who loved music. I remember when Mike was only about 6 or 7. He grabbed a guitar and pretended he was jamming! I think the reason I remember that moment so well is because of how much that just suited him. He was a rock star DJ. There are a lot of great memories of Mikey, C, and me. We were a tight bunch growing up. When MTV launched the 3 of us stayed up until midnight to see the “Video Killed the Radio Star” MTV Debut music video. I still remember every word to that song today.

This isn’t the actual video but it is the Buggles singing their 1979 hit.

Well, it came as no surprise that Mike would find a career in music. At the celebration of his life, his first boss spoke about him with such genuine love and fondness. It was so endearing. He talked about how Mike would do anything for them just to be able to work at the radio station. He was just this young kid who didn’t care about getting paid; he wanted to be in that environment because it’s what he loved.  Mike got his chance to DJ and “Hondo” was officially born.

Making a Difference

Becoming a DJ was a dream come true for Mike. Unfortunately, I never lived in the same town at the same time so I didn’t get to hear him on the radio. I have some of his demo tapes and he was fun, energetic, and just really put it out there for you. It wasn’t a “radio personality”, oh no, it was him through and through. Many fans have shared how he made a difference in their day. One shared how she had an extremely rough and emotional morning. When she got in her car to go to work she tuned in to Hondo. She said just listening to him put her in a better mood. He made her laugh and said something on the air as if he could have been speaking directly to her. Just being himself and having the ability to reach out to so many over the air gave him a wide audience to touch each day. This inner kindness began long before he was on air. A high school friend shared at his service that when she had just moved to their school she didn’t know anyone and had no friends. She would eat her lunch in the bathroom every day. One day she came out of the bathroom and Mike was standing there. He asked her why she ate her lunch in the bathroom every day and she said because she didn’t have any friends. He told her she did now and welcomed her into his circle of friends with open arms.

Make a Difference in Family
It wasn’t just strangers, coworkers, aspiring musicians, or friends that Mike touched.

Mike made a difference in our family’s lives as well. He was the peace keeper. At a time when I wasn’t able to speak directly to my Father, his health became very poor. Mike was always the one to call me and tell me what was going on. He would say, “He’s your Dad and you have the right to now”.  After I had my son I went thru some tough times as most single Moms do. He always told me what a great Mother I was and would remind me that no matter how tough times are a son needs and wants to be with their Mom over anyone else. His little pep talks and recognition of my parenting were always needed and appreciated.

Friends & Family for Life & All Eternity
Mike and I stayed pretty close growing up. We stayed in touch and we made it a point to visit as often as we could. If Mike came into Dallas for a concert; he’d always stay over for a visit. We had plans for Dave Matthews Band July 4th weekend in W. Palm Beach the year he passed away. My sister and some of our friends took that road trip instead. We had a great time and celebrated life just as he would have.

There are so many ways Mike has made a difference. He wasn’t a wealthy man who could donate to charities but instead he did something that can be more meaningful at times; he touched people’s hearts when it was needed most. I have so many more stories I can share and will but for now, I’ll leave you with this song. Music in Memory of a Music Man.


  1. Thanks for sharing your memories of Mike. I think Dad still has a lot of Mike's demo tapes tucked away somewhere.

    Here's a story for you, it's pretty classic Mike:

    Hondo was doing a live promotion event at a Sonic. One of the employees asked him how he liked working in the radio business and Mike responded by saying it "beats flipping burgers." And this was on-air, naturally.

    1. Dylan, I was just reading this again and it made me laugh. I remember hearing that. He was always so quick with a comeback but never with a mean tone. I miss him. I've been working on another blog site. Time to get this one switched and aome stories added. :0)

  2. I remeber how much I looked up to my brother he was my hero. but I know he's still looking out for his baby sis. My favorite memory is probably when we were at edgefest I was probably 14 and he brought the guitarist from disturb over to meet me and my friends we were all so excited and wanted an autograph but none of us had a pen so he pulled a condom out of his pocket that they were giving away at a booth and handed it to me. Mikes face was priceless. And said man thats my baby sister. I love my brother and miss everyday. He was taken from us way to early in life. He never got to see saxon grow up or his nephews. He is my angel :)

  3. I dare include a comment, but only as one who remembers and not as a family member. I remember 'Hondo' when Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness came out. He played that entire record more than once on air and instilled such a sense of reverence for it by the way he spoke about it between tracks. Because of what was going on in my life, that record and Hondo playing it exclusively on air for hours in 1995, when I play that record it all comes flooding back. When he left Tulsa so suddenly I was too busy to wonder why and assumed something bad had happened (Why? The nature of the business?) and only years later did I learn of his death in Phoenix. My sincere condolences to his family. I too, am familiar with loss of life much too soon.
    Yes, I remember 'Hondo.'

  4. Thank you for sharing your memory with us. :)


Do you have a story about how Mike made a difference in your life? Please take a moment to share in honor of him.
